Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bad with Blogging

I have been so bad with blogging lately I have a pretty good excuse. We have gotten the sick bug in our house the past few weeks. It started with Blaine getting sick then Ryan and Cameron both got ear infections. I ended up taking Ryan to an all night urgent care and found out that he had a double ear infection. He had tubes put in a couple of years ago so the is the first one I have had in a while.

Then after the boys where on there way up I got sick. I am finally on the mend but it has been some craziness of a week. Ryan is now getting music therapy. So we are up to OT, Speech, Music and Feeding therapy. He is doing really good with all of them but as you can guess it has been keeping me very busy.

Ryan's new thing is that he likes to swing in Cameron's swing. I don't think thatthe weight limit is for a 42 pound kid but it is his favorite thing to do. What a little stinker.

Mr. Cameron is getting so big and is becoming more of a happy baby. We have just cut our third tooth this week along with having the ear infection so yes it has been fun. (not)

Cameron's Six month stats

Weight 20 pounds 6oz

Length 33 1/4"

Yep I know what you are thinking FAT BABY!!!

he is so dang cute! He is rolling all over the place.


Jenn C. said...

Your kids are so cute! I love Cameron's smile!

Kristin Coppee said...

Cute boys! I'm sorry to hear you've all been sick. EVERYONE is getting sick. What is up with that? My entire family got sick and somehow I managed to avoid it. I don't know how I pulled THAT one off, but I'm glad because everybody else needed to be taken care of.

I hope you all get better soon if you're not already by the time you read this.

Lisa said...

You baby just wants to grow up sooo fast! I can't believe his stats! My mouth fell open when I read 20 lbs. Landon was barely 17lbs. I am sure you get a good work out everyday:) Your boys are so precious!