Saturday, November 14, 2009

My new Nephew

Poor Summer was induced yesterday morning and finally had her baby around 4:30 this afternoon. Hudson Michael Goodrich is 7pounds 1ounce and 20"long. He has some dark hair on his little head and long fingers and long feet and toes. Summer is super wiped out after going through a very very hard labor.
Congratulations to Summer and Dave he is so cute you are going to have a lot of fun with him. Hopefully they will get some sleep tonight.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Trunk-or-Treat

Trunk -or - Treat went a lot better this year. Once agian I had to put Ryan in his costume kicking and screaming but once agian I didn't care he was going to dress up. I fixed Cameron's costume so it would fit around his fat face. The costume was a 12m costume and his little Yoda hat wouldn't latch shut so I had to put an extra piece of ribbon on it so it would close. He was such a cute little fat Yoda.

We went to Gma & Gpa Matthews house and then Ryan rode his scooter over to the church for the trunk-or-treat. Ryan really didn't care about going around to all the cars to get candy he just wanted to ride his scooter but he made Blaine carry his pumpkin so he could get candy. Ryan wouldn't say Tick-or -Treat but at least he wasn't screaming his head off so we will try the talking thing next year. Cameron had his own little pumpkin and even got a little bit of candy. After we went around the parking lot Ryan just wanted to be left alone to ride his scooter over the speed bumps. I wanted to get a picture of the boys together but that never happens but I wa able to get this one of Ryan pushing Cameron over the speed bumps.

Cameron did so good even though it was past his bedtime. I told Blaine that next year we are all dressing up and we will see it that helps Ryan want to dress up.

School Costume Parade

This Halloween I was super happy to get both of my boys to dress up. Last year Ryan didn't want anything to do with trick-or-treating. I think we stayed at the trunk-or-treat for about 20 minuets before we left. I took Ryan to Party City so he could pick out his costume. I thought if he picked it out that it would go over better. We got Cameron's Yoda costume then Ryan decided that he wanted to be a boxer. Well tried on the costume and it was to small. So then he decided that he wanted to be a Doctor. Fine I was good with that so we got the costumes and went home. Thursday before Halloween his school had there costume parade. Last year I totally forgot about it so not only did I miss it but also he was one of the few that didn't have a costume. I made up for it this year. Ryan didn't want to put on his costume but I didn't care we put it on kicking and screaming.

This was Ryan waiting for his bus to come. This was the only thing that would make him stop crying. After I put him on the bus then I took Cameron our to my grandparents house so that I could go to Ryan's school to see the parade. That was going to be interesting because anytime we try to go to his school for an activity or b-day as soon as Blaine or I show up he breaks down. So I was wondering ow this was going to work. I had been telling him all week that I was going to come to his school and he was saying that it was okay. I got to the school and I his class wasn't out yet so I went to his classroom and walked out with them and he just held my hand and didn't freak out. The funny thing was that it was part of the cold days that we had so the high was 68 and for us that is cold. He wouldn't take off his jacket because he didn't want anyone to know that he was a Doctor.

This is Ryan's class picture. He wasn't happy about it but we still got one.

Ryan loves to take pictures so he took one of me and one of the aids in his class room that has been with him for the past 3 years. He loves Ms. Irene

Then it was his classes turn to do the parade. He really didn't want to go without me but another aid came and got him and they walked around the circle so they could show off there costumes. Granted you couldn't see what Ry was because he wouldn't take off his jacket and then he didn't want anyone to see him so he covered his eyes so no one could see him so he thought.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Schnepf Farms

My brother in law got a group together to go to Schnepf farms. We have been talking about going out there for a while now. I don't think that the night ended up the way that he had planned my little family ended up taking off from the rest of the group and I don't think we really ever ended up together again. We never know how Ryan is going to react to things so we wanted to try a few new things. They have a train there and thought that it would be really cool to take Ryan on a train ride especially since it was only $2.00. So first thing we wanted to do that so Blaine went and stood in line to get the tickets. We figured since it was a Saturday night the earlier we did it the better. Plus after 6:00 it became a spooky train ride and we knew that wasn't going to work. While Blaine and Cameron stood in line Ryan and I went and played on the bails of hay. He thought that was really cool.

Ryan loved the hay I think he would of stayed there all day if we would have let him. You could tell that the hay had been very well used because some of the sides where very steep.

Waiting in line to go on the train.

Ryan and Blaine on the Train
Mommy and Cameron on the Train
Super happy to be on the train