Saturday, July 12, 2008

Baby Shower

So sorry I don't have any pictures yet but today I threw my friend Ashely a baby shower. Thank you Thank you Thank you for all of you who helped make it a great success. Our camera died 't work anymore so all of the pictures I took are on her camera so I will steel some of her blog when she posts them. She got a lot of cute gifts for baby Cody. Then I thought that I was going to have a free afternoon but wait brain fart( or rather fried brain because of all the heat) I have a hairbow order that I needed to do at Ribbons and Lace, then after that I told my grandparents that I would go to Costco with them and help get food for our family reunion next week. So that is what happened to the rest of my afternoon. Oh by the way I HATE COSTCO it is SOOOOOOO crowded. I LOVE my SAM'S CLUB business membership becasue you can get in at 7am. So needless to say that we will never have a Costco membership.
My family are flying in from Baltimore tomorrow for the family reunion. So we are really looking forward to that. Other than that as you can tell life in the Matthews house is a little slow :)


Andrea Gunnell said...

I am so sad I wasn't able to go to Ashley's shower! I'm sure it was a lot of fun.
By the way, I'm so glad you guys are moving but staying in the ward!