Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bird Family Reuion Day 1 & 2

So we are in Flagstaff at our family reunion and having a blast. My aunt and uncle from Utah is here with 4 out of the five of there kid. My parents are here with my three brothers my step sisters weren't able to come because of work.
Ryan Throwing Rocks Off The Front Porch
On Tuesday we drove to the Grand Canyon
and met my Aunt and Uncle from Utah there. We went in saw what my brothers called the big hole in the ground then went back to the Grand Canyon Village and waited still for Rich and Wendy and then they all went and saw the Imax Grand Canyon movie. Ryan will not go into a normal movie theater let a long an Imax so we started heading back to Flagstaff while they saw the movie. We stopped at Blaine's sisters house on the way back into town to let Ryan play with his cousins Kenny and Madison.
Blaine Tiffany & Ryan at the Grand Canyon
Ryan & Daddy at the Grand Canyon
The Matthews Family

Ryan playing on the rocks at the Grand Canyon My Gma & Gpa Bird
My parents at the Grand Canyon
Ryan ready to come back to the house.

The car ride home from the Grand Canyon all pooped out.


Mama Couch said...

I miss your grandparents tell them hi for me. Looks like you guys had a great time.

Candice said...

I love the pics of the Grand Canyon. I spent the summer of 98 working up near the North Rim of the G.C. at Jacob Lake, and I miss seeing that amazing canyon! I'm been meaning to ask you if you knew Brooke White when you went to Heritage? I"m asking you this as I'm listening to her sing on your blog!