Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 3 Slide Rock & Lava Tubes

Wednesday we decided to go to Slide Rock however when we got there we couldn't get in the water because they said that the bacteria was to high because of the rain the day before. So we didn't get to swim however we got some really great pictures. The walk down to Slide Rock. (from Left to right McKenzie, Jenner, Jacob, Gma, Jerica, Dad, Zach.)

Gpa Bird on his little scooter

The Bird Family at Slide Rock. (from left to right Matthew, Jacob, Trish, Dan, Blaine, Ryan, Tiffany, Jerica, McKenzie, Gma, Zach, Rich & Jenner)

Jacob, Zach, Wendy, Rich, Gma, Jerica, Trish, Jenner, Daniel, Tiffany

My little 6'2 brother Matthew at Slide Rock

Ryan and Blaine at Slide Rock. Blaine is such a good Dad.

Ryan really wanted to get in the water and was really really sad when we told him that we couldn't get in.

Walking to the Lava Tubes

On the way down into the into the lava tubes.
Even Grandma made it a little way down into the mouth of the cave.

Ryan down in the mouth of the Lava Tube


Jana said...

So fun! Being from Flag, I grew up going to slide rock! That's where we would ditch school to go to the creek! Anyway, post brought back memories! Awesome pics for a very fun looking trip! Adventures all around!

Ashley said...

I love your new family picture that you chose for your blog. It looks like you are really enjoying your trip and just chalaxing! Good for you! I love the shirts! :)