Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Birthday Weekend

Sorry this is so late it seems after the crazy week and weekend last week I am still tying to get back into the swing of things. my parents flew in from PA for Cameron's baby blessing and the nice thing is it just so happened to be Ryan's 4th birthday as well. We had Ryan's party on Saturday since his real b-day was Sunday. We got a race car blow up bouncer.

I looked at getting one last year but they were like $200.00 so that was out. When I got online to see how much they where I found one place that if you went and picked it up you could have it for 24 hours and it was only $79.00. Let me tell you it was worth it . All of the kids loved it!!!!(and they all slept really good that night to) Of course it was the hottest day of the year so far but they still had a lot of fun. We used my in laws front yard since we don't have one and set up tables and chairs under the car port along with some fans and one heavy duty fan from Blaine's office.

After bouncing for a while we convinced the kids to come and open gifts.


Amy said...

Your boys are so cute and I love the race car bouncer.