Monday, February 11, 2008

My Baby Is Going To School

So I went and had a meeting this afternoon with Mesa Public Schools. I found out that he does qualify for Early Special Education and will be attending EMECEC. How crazy is that my son will start school a week from Thursday. He can't start until he is 2 years and 9 months old. So we have a start date of February 21st. He will be going three times a week. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:15-11:45. He will also be riding the bus. (AHHH) I told them that I wasn't sure if I wanted him to ride the bus but everyone that I have talked to said that after the first couple of weeks they love the bus and that becomes the highlight of their day. I am going to take him his first couple of days because I don't want to throw him on the bus and then have him get dropped off and not know his teacher or where he is. So I will take him and let him meet his teacher and see that it is ok to go there. He should like his teacher because she is young and a BLOND. Yes my son has started early and loves blonds=). I haven't totally started freaking out yet. Give me till next Thursday after I drop him off at school.
So that is what is going on in our house at least for today. I am starting to gain more energy everyday. My appetite is back in full swing. I lost 20 pounds when I was pregnant so I guess I am going to put on all my weight that I lost plus all the weight that I should have gained while I was pregnant. I am going back to the doctor on the 5th so will have more to report after that.


Marty and Emily said...

Hey, I just found your blog! Wow, I can't believe your baby is going to school! In some ways that seems so far away for Brynn, but two years and nine months really isn't far off - crazy! I bet it will be nice to have a little time off during the day, though.

Meredith Ferrin said...

Hey Tiffany!! I'm so glad Ryan got accepted into that school. It's incredible. becky Nelson's little boy goes to that school, same time etc. She LOVES it and he rides the bus also. I hope things are going okay and you are able to get your strength back!

Love ya and miss ya

Emily Weber said...

yeah, I'm totally freaking out about Braden starting school. It's only nine months away! YIKES! You'll have to keep me updated on how it goes for him.