Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray

I am so excited my dad is flying into town today. It has been a few months since the last time he was here. He has been on this side of the country for work and is on his way home with a stop here in Arizona. Ryan is so excited because he got to go to the airport to get him. Ryan has been asking us for the past month everyday if we could go to the airport. I wasn't feeling up to dragging two kids to the airport so my grandparents went to go and get him. We are even more excited because he gets to stay for more than two days. We are bummed that my step mom couldn't come but hopefully she can make it out soon.
Good news after my rant of the last post. I am feeling better with my boob problem. Thank you for all of the suggestions finally after five days of doing the cabbage, ice and ace bandages they are finally starting not to hurt all the time. So hopefully as long as I keep doing it we will have everything back to normal in about a week.