Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sick Kid

Last night we went out to dinner with my grandparents a week late for my birthday because they where out of town on my birthday. So we went out of an early dinner Ryan didn't really eat anything. He has some chicken nuggets after therapy but that was about it. So we get home and Blaine picked up Ryan out of the truck because Ryan wanted him to carry him in the house. It all went down hill from there. Ryan threw up all over Blaine and himself. Blaine got him out of the truck just in time. Then Ryan kept throwing up all over the grass and he was catching some great air. We took him in and put him right into the tub. Ryan thought that he was in trouble and we kept telling him that he wasn't. Ryan was up most of the night dry heaving so that meant that I was up most of the night as well. He didn't go to school today and just lounged around today.

I am happy to report that Ryan is feeling better tonight. I have given him pretty bland food most of the day and didn't give him anything to heavy till tonight and he is doing great. He has even beaten up his dad so you know he is feeling better.


lundgrenville said...

Poor little guy-
We know all about that! ALL 4 of our kids had the cold flu/temps at the same time this week. 3 of the 4 still are not over the yucky's yet. I hate when kiddos are sick.
Glad he is feeling better.

Holly Janeen said...

hey, we are having babies at the EXACT same time. that is seriously awesome.
and um, i love the brooke white music. :)