Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day one at home

We have had a great day at home. Cameron's first night went really well. It was so nice to be home and to sleep in my own bed. Cameron would wake up every 2 1/2 hours to eat he would down a 2 oz bottle then be out again. I love this kid. The last time I put him down was around six and he let me sleep till about 9:30. Ryan on the other hand we think woke up some time around 7ish but didn't wake us up till he wanted me to open his fruit snacks around 8. We sent Ryan to church so he could go to his primary class that he has been doing pretty good in. Today they had substitutes and that didn't go over very well. I was upstairs feeding Cameron when the doorbell rang. It was papa and Ryan thank goodness for grandparents that are in the same ward. He said Ryan was done he sat in the Clerks office with Gary and he got him to calm down but he wasn't going back to class so he brought him home. I asked Ryan if his teachers where gone and he said yes and it was not fun. Blaine took Ryan to Ellen's for dinner and so he could see his cousins. So we had a great day


Meredith Ferrin said...

cameron is adorable! I'm so glad things are going well, i hope they continue! Sorry about Ryan's primary...good thing for grandpa!

Jana said...

Congrats! I'm glad he's here & looks beautiful! Take care of yourself!

Meggs said...

Congrats!! He is sooo cute. I'm glad all went well.

karis stapley said...

Congrats to you guys too! Yes I do remember you both! How fun! I love hearing about every bodies experience with having their babies cuz their all so different & neat.
Congrats again & hope everyone is doing well & feeling good!

Brad and Whitney said...

Congratulations Tiffany!! He is PERFECT! What a cutie!