Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dr Appt Update

We had another doctors appointment today and there is still no baby. I am still dilated to a 3 and she did end up stripping my membranes again this week. I think she did a better job this week because since I left her office I have been in a lot more pain and the good news is I have actually been having contractions. They are not timetable yet however I have had more this afternoon than I have had all week. She said that since there is nothing wrong with me or the baby that she doesn't want to induce until I am over my due date.(next Sat) so if Cameron hasn't shown himself by my next appt on Thursday at that appt we will set a date to be induced. So we will see. I am not doing much of anything because my back hurts so bad so I feel bad because I have been neglecting my house, family and calling. We have been trying to take Ryan to the playground since he is on Spring break this week and seems to be a little board. He has a makeup session for OT tomorrow so that will make him happy. He loves his new OT therapist Laura and is doing really good with her. I am looking forward to when school starts again because he is saying that he wants to go. So that is the update on our little family for the moment. We will let you all know if something else happens. Wish us luck


We are the delightfully happy Denhalters said...

Oh my goodness... I hope he comes soon! I'm so excited for you, can't wait to meet the little guy